
From Imagination To Creation

Design, Craft, Laser with xTool and Creative Fabrica! We are joining forces to empower creativity. Through this collaboration, we are dedicated to providing every creator with endless inspiration and the tools to bring their ideas to life. With xTool and Creative Fabrica, creativity knows no bounds. We make creation simple.

Craft in One Simple Workflow

Following three steps to transform your thoughts into art pieces


Download trendy patterns on Creative Fabrica

Absorb endless inspiration to bring your designs to life.


Process Designs with xTool

Import file. Set up materials. Press Start!


Cut, Engrave. Magic Happens!

xTool laser machines are easy on the hand and precisely process almost any material.

Collaboration Makes Creation Diverse

We Let Ideas Go Beyond Imaginary. xTool x Creative Fabrica brings every piece of inspiration from the abstract to the real world.

All-round Craft Machine

xTool M1 Ultra

Whether decorating or making gifts, M1 Ultra lets you create festive vibes with laser, inkjet, blade, and pen on over 1,000 materials.

Grab Deals

Download Freebies Here: 

Wedding Quotes Craft Design

Best for Acrylic Cutting

xTool P2 & P2S

P2 & P2S boasts the highest 55W among desktop CO2 lasers, effortlessly cutting through all-color acrylic. Customize every legendary moment.

Grab Deals

Download Freebies Here: 

Flower Art Jewelry Design

Jewelry Master for Craft Shows

xTool F1

F1 IR and diode laser excel at metal engraving, producing precise 1:1 photo reproductions, all in a portable design for on-the-go creativity.

Grab Deals

Download Freebies Here: 

Summer Vibe Junk Style T-Shirt Design

Colorful Prints for T-Shirts

xTool Screen Printer

Combine screen printing and laser tech to create vibrant art at home on nearly any material, from trendy hoodies to unique wall art.

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xTool Maker Stories

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